
Embrace the camera

Since I love photos, I thought I would join in on this opportunity to Embrace the camera. Emily from the Anderson Crew --> http://andersonfamilycrew.blogspot.com/ started this project to get those of us who are always behind the camera, out in front of it. So, I've finally decided to join in. :)

There's been a lot going on this week, so here's some pics from this week's busy events:

Mike and I celebrated the wedding of our friends Charleigh and John.  So excited for them to make it official :)

I cheered on my friend Bonnie as she ran her first half marathon. I'm so proud of her!

We enjoyed dinner with my parents and grandparents before they left to go back to Ohio.  It was great to have them here and we'll miss them!

Yea for an actual blog post! :)  Happy Friday y'all! 



emily anderson said...

yah! so good to see your face on here :)

Danae Hudson said...

Haha! Hooray for actual blog posts! :) Love your pictures. Have fun with my husband this weekend! I'm not jealous, no...not at all.

MnM said...

Em, I always read your Embrace the camera posts and I have no idea why I've never joined in :P But I love it! :)

Danae, we'll keep a seat at the table for you, just in case, and hopefully we'll see you down here all the time, real soon! :D

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

Wow, a half marathon- so impressive, good for her & how nice for her to have her friend there to support her :)