
Post-Op Day 1

We got a decent night's rest crashing on the pull-out chairs here in Abriana's PICU room.

Abriana's temperature came down and hasn't been an issue all day. :)

Her right leg and foot was inexplicably cold. They did an ultrasound and found out that there's a small clot in a part of her femoral artery where her arterial line was for surgery. They don't want to give her any blood thinners for 72 hours. So for now they have some cream on her foot that will dilate the vessels to allow more blood flow to the foot.

She was extubated around noon. She's slowly gaining her voice back.
She had a CT scan shortly after extubation. Doc later said that all the bones look good.
Neurosurgeon feels good about how she looks.

She drank some milk tonight. Nothing like a normal feed and I'm still pumping, but it's a start.

We spent a little time outside of the hospital and got some lunch. It was nice to get out and the food way really good!

It's nice to see her little mouth and nose now that she's extubated and has been cleaned up. She looks like herself. And that makes me happy.

 Abriana has a question.... 'Can I please get this tube out?!'

 Intubation free!


 Gifts from friends

This evening. Her left eye is completely swollen shut. She can open her right eye just a sliver.

She'll probably continue to to swell, which is tough to see her hurt, but hopefully she begins to improve after tomorrow.

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